There’s been a fair amount of hoo-hah in the nutritional web-o-sphere as of late regarding the “fattening” properties of dietary carbohydrates, what with the rise of the Paleo/Primal movement, French Dukan hype, LCHF (low carb high fat) and the old Atkins Diet Revolution movement reliving another moment of glory. The Scandinavians are certainly on board1, with Swedish and Danish bread producers feeling the toll3.

You may have heard the latest. Yesterday it was reported that a new studyshows a positive correlation between eating red meat and dying an early death. Gasp!!

This is for those of you who choose nonfat yoghurt, drink skinny lattes, substitute butter with margarine, and deny yourselves the great pleasure of cheese. I used to be one of you. But, around a year and a half ago, I did a complete nutritional 180 and started enjoying delicious full-cream yoghurt, real butter, rich cream, and quality cheese (not to mention lots of egg yolks, fatty cuts of meat, coconut cream, bacon, sausage, lard…). I feel fantastic – healthy, energetic, lean, well nourished, satiated – I’ve never looked back. And I’m now pretty outspoken when it comes to promoting full-fat over skimmed foods (in case you missed it). Here’s why…